Variant calls with GATK

I had to replace a CLC Bio variant calling pipeline with an open-source equivalent. These notes are mainly an update of another blog post Variant calling with GATK.

Tools Setup

  1. Build and install (to ~/.local) bwa

  2. Build and install samtools

  3. Download and extract GATK under non-comercial license

  4. Download and extract Picard Tools

  5. Picard requires Java 1.8 so update to OpenJDK-1.8.72

  6. Set environment variable to reference Picard

     export PICARD=~/Downloads/picard-tools-2.1.0/picard.jar


  1. Index the reference

     bwa index PAO1_reference.fasta
  2. Sort the reference

     samtools faidx PAO1_reference.fasta
  3. Create sequence dictionary

     java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary \
      REFERENCE=PAO1_reference.fasta \
  4. Align reads using bwa

     bwa mem PAO1_reference.fasta \
      genomes/AZPAE12150_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
      genomes/AZPAE12150_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz > \
  5. Sort SAM file, add fake ReadGroup IDs (otherwise will fail at GATK RealignerTargetCreator below) and convert to bam

     java -jar $PICARD AddOrReplaceReadGroups \
      I=pipeline_products/AZPAE12150_S4_L001.aln.sam \
      O=pipeline_products/AZPAE12150_S4_L001.sorted.bam \
      RGLB=kos1 \
      RGPL=illumina \
      RGPU=unit1 \
      RGSM=AZPAE12150 \
  6. Mark duplicates

     java -jar $PICARD MarkDuplicates \
      O=pipeline_products/AZPAE12150_S4_L001.dedup.bam \
  7. Build bam index

     java -jar $PICARD BuildBamIndex INPUT=pipeline_products/AZPAE12150_S4_L001.dedup.bam
  8. Create realignment targets

     java -jar ~/Downloads/GATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator \
     -R ../PAO1_reference.fasta -I AZPAE12150_S4_L001.dedup.bam \
     -o AZPAE12150_S4_L001.targetintervals.list
  9. Indel realignment

     java -jar ~/Downloads/GATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner \
      -R ../PAO1_reference.fasta -I AZPAE12150_S4_L001.dedup.bam \
      -targetIntervals AZPAE12150_S4_L001.targetintervals.list \
      -o AZPAE12150_S4_L001.realigned.bam
  10. Call variants (takes ~10 minutes to run on a pair of 150M fastq.gz file )

     java -jar ~/Downloads/GATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller \
      -R ../PAO1_reference.fasta -I AZPAE12150_S4_L001.realigned.bam \
      -ploidy 1 -stand_call_conf 30 -stand_emit_conf 10 \
      -o AZPAE12150_S4_L001.raw.vcf
  11. Filter out SNPs (optional)

     java -jar ~/Downloads/GATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants \
      -R ../PAO1_reference.fasta -V AZPAE12150_S4_L001.raw.vcf -selectType SNP \
      -o AZPAE12150_S4_L001.snps.vcf
  12. Convert to a tab separated file for easy dataframe loading

     java -jar ~/Downloads/GATK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantsToTable \
      -R ../PAO1_reference.fasta -V AZPAE12150_S4_L001.snps.vcf \
      -F POS -F REF -F ALT -F QUAL -o AZPAE12150_S4_L001.snps.tsv

Wrapping in a script

I also put together a Julia script that automates the whole pipeline.


I don’t have the experience to grade the quality of the SNP calling. Anecdotally I seemed to run into a reported issue where it seemed to miss SNPs at the beginning of a gene with lots of repeats.

In comparison to the CLC pipeline, some SNP set union/differences showed there were about 27k they both called; CLC called a few hundred that GATK did not and GATK called a couple thousand that CLC did not. Anecdotally, the extra calls from GATK seemed to come from low depth of coverage region however some primitive attempts to filter those using SelectVariants did not seem to improve the overlap.